Jawahar Navodaya Samiti now published the official notification for the admission in class 9th. JNVST will be held for the admission in vacant seats in class IX through the lateral entry scheme. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya JNV are located in all over India and admission in class 9 and class 6 is taken on the basis of JNVST scores of the written examination. These Vidyalaya are co-educational, residential in nature which are fully financed by Government of India and run by an autonomous organization, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti under the MHRD
Although admission in NVS is taken at Class 6th level, but in order to make optimum use of infrastructure facilities available in the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, the vacant seats at Class 9 level are also proposed to be filled up through a Selection Test. While education in these Vidyalaya is free with the board, lodging, uniforms and textbooks upto Class-VIII, a nominal fee of Rs.200/- per month is collected from the children from IX to XII Class. However, children belonging to SC/ST, Girls and those from the families of below poverty line, are exempted from payment of fee.
Recently mostly all JNVS are publishing notification for inviting application form for the admission class 9th . if you are interested in admission in JNV then fill application form in prescribed application form format. Seats of different JNV will be strictly filled through the all India level entrance selection test. District wise vacant seats in each Navodaya will be informed through the local news paper. So students are advised to contact your nearest Navodaya vidyalaya for knowing the latest vacancy in class 9th .
Eligibility Criteria for admission in Class 9th :Age Limit: Candidates seeking admission must not have been born before 01.05.2000 and after
30.04.2004. This will apply to candidates of all categories including those belonging to
SC/ST.30.04.2004. This will apply to candidates of all categories including those belonging toSC/ST.
Education qualification: only those students who are appearing in class 8th can fill application form for Navodaya Entrance examination. Private school students can also fill application form for JnVST
JNVST Entrance Exam Admission in Jawahar navodaya Vidyalaya Class 6th 2016 Admission Jawahar navodaya result JNVST 2016 Cutoff Details Admission JNVST Exam Answer Key Solved question Paper 2016
Selection Procedure for admission class 9 of JNV: each district may also conduct written examination on different dates however National level JNVST entrance exam Test will be held on 24 April 2016 . this test will be held for the admission in class 9 through the lateral entry .
Question Paper pattern and Syllabus for JNVST class 9JNVST Entrance test will be Objective type and MCQ based. Total 3 hours time duration will be given for the admission the questions paper. Selection Test will consist of subjects of Mathematics, General Science, English and Hindi. Difficulty level of the test paper shall be Class VIII. Question paper medium will be English and Hindi language. Written test will be started from 10 am and will be completed 1 PM.
How to apply for Navodaya Entrance exam for class 9th level.All interested candidates who hold the eligibility criteria for Navodaya school they can fill application form in prescribed application form format. Official application form Performa for navodaya entrance exam is available at the official website of JNVS www.navodaya.nic.in and www.nvshq.org
After filling application form send the dully filled application form to the official address which isPrincipal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya of the concerned districtSend your application form through Registered posts or speed posts. You can directly submit application form your NVS of your district. Don’t forget to take acknowledgment receipt from the office of the principal of JNV
Application form fee : prospectus and application form format for navodaya entrance examination is available free of cost. You don’t need to pay any application form for fee for JNVST for class 9 admission. Eligible candidates can also collect application form and prospectus from your nearest Navodaya School.
Important date for JNVST 2016 for admission in class 9Time Activity Schedule for Conduct of Lateral Entry Test 2016 for Class IX during the Academic Year 2016-17Last date of application form submission: 29th February 2016
Entrance exam date of jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya admission class 9 2016 : 24th April 2016
Results will be published on :9th May 2016
जवाहन नवोदय विद्यालय में 9 वीं में प्रवेश हेतु परीक्षा जून 2016 लेटरल इन्ट्री चयन परीक्षा आवेदन पत्र
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Salient Features
- Good quality modern education for talented children predominantly from rural areas.
- Candidates – Rural, at least 75% Urban, utmost 25%.
- Reservation of seats for students from SC/ST categories in proportion to their population in the district subject to the national minimum.
- Reservation of seats for girls – 33%.
- Co-educational and fully residential, up to Class-XII.
- Location – usually in rural areas. One the basis of offer of cost free land and rent free temporary buildings State/UT Governments.
- Free education including boarding and lodging as well as expenses on Uniforms, Text Books, and Stationery etc.
- Affiliated to CBSE.
- Admission is Class-VI only through objective type test designed and conducted by CBSE in the concerned district.
JNVST Class 6 Result 2020